Explanation of file names The filenames consist of 6 parts separated by hyphens. The parts are as follow: Data type vtdvotes for all of the files 2 digit year 02, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09 or 10 corresponding with 2002-2010 For years 02 and 04, geography is 1998 VTDs conforming to 2000 Census For all other years, geography is 2008 VTDs conforming to 2010 Census Territorial span of the office, that is, the territory covered by the collection of all the districts for the office NYS for state offices NYC for city-wide NYC offices 005 for Bronx county 047 for Kings county 061 for New York county Election type G General D Democratic primary R Republican primary drun Democratic run-off S Special E Enrollment Internal office code 1 President 3 US Senate 6 Congress 20 Mayor 21 Governor 22 Lt. Governor 28 State Senate 30 Assembly 31 Borough President 32 City Council/Local legislature 33 Comptroller 34 Public Advocate 35 Judge 40 District Attorney 41 Attorney General District number 0 indicates that the office is not divided into districts